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Slow metabolism: symptoms, natural remedies and diet

metabolismo lento

The term Metabolism refers to the set of chemical reactions that take place in our body to transform food introduced with food, into energy needed to make the cells of our body function properly.  Let’s look together at the symptoms, causes natural remedies and a diet for slow metabolism.
Metabolism in particular performs the function of:

  • transforming the food we ingest into energy needed for cellular processes;
  • eliminate nitrogenous wastes;
  • converting nutrients into components needed for the endogenous synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids.

It is closely related to daily energy expenditure: that is, the amount of energy consumed by the body during the day, varies for each individual, and can be influenced by several factors.

Differences between basal metabolic rate and energy metabolism

We can identify a Basal Metabolism and an Energy Metabolism; the former refers to what our body consumes in a situation of absolute rest, when only a minimum of energy is needed for the basic functions that keep us alive. It is calculated after a careful analysis involving fasting for 12 h and no physical exertion.
The second one, on the other hand, is calculated based on the physical activity the person performs during the day.

Slow Metabolism: symptoms

How to recognize if the Metabolism is slow? Slow Metabolism can be corroborated by the presence of certain symptoms, such as:

  • constipation and abdominal bloating;
  • difficulty losing weight;
  • tendency to gain weight quickly even when eating little;
  • sense of sluggishness;
  • stress or poor rest;
  • excessive sweating;
  • low blood pressure.

Slow metabolism: causes

Slow Metabolism is due to different causes:

  • intake of foods too high in calories;
  • fasting;
  • thyroid problems;
  • menopause with hormonal surges; and
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • particular times of stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • advancing age

Slow metabolism: natural remedies

There are also natural remedies for Slow Metabolism that aim to invigorate its action. Specifically:

  • reduce carbohydrate intake;
  • take the right amount of protein;
  • do not skip meals;
  • eat slowly and more frequently without bingeing;
  • drink 2 liters of water a day;
  • get regular physical activity;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a night;
  • make use of phytotherapeutic products to stimulate the action of metabolism.

Those who struggle with a slow Metabolism can help themselves with natural dietary supplements (fat-burning supplements) designed to control hunger and boost the proper functioning of metabolism.
These properties are due to the presence of certain ingredients that characterize them:

  • Garcinia Cambogia is a plant that has the ability to reduce the sense of hunger, promote the production of bile and promote the mobilization of fats and their expulsion in the intestines.
  • Green Coffee is a plant that works by stimulating metabolism and limiting sugar absorption.
  • Green Tea is a plant that promotes weight loss by promoting the mobilization of fats located in adipose tissue and their elimination by stimulating diuresis and kidney purification.
  • Orthosiphon is a plant with a powerful depurative and diuretic action, a property that makes it capable of promoting the elimination of water retention and bloating. It is a powerful antioxidant that can protect the body from free radicals and the damage they cause, thus preventing skin aging.
  • Spirulina is a single-celled blue plant with multiple nutritional and therapeutic properties. Useful for preventing cardiovascular disease, restoring blood cholesterol values, manifesting purifying and detoxifying properties, inducing satiety, helping to fortify hair and nails, providing the proper nutritional intake and daily protein requirements etc.

Slow Metabolism: diet

For those who have difficulty losing weight due to a Slow Metabolism, there is a particular type of diet that aims not only to lose weight but also to awaken the functionality and effectiveness of metabolism.
It involves following a low-calorie diet and eating at specific times.

Breakfast should be eaten no later than 7:30 am, when the metabolism is very active; lunch around 12:30 pm and dinner at 7:30 pm. After this time, the metabolism tends to drop again and burn fewer calories.

Between the three main meals, the two snacks should be included; what is very important is to avoid snacks at night because during rest, the body’s metabolism tends to lower and many of the calories ingested are stored in the reserve tissues.

In addition, in the morning the body needs a greater energy boost than during the rest of the day, which is why it is recommended to take in carbohydrates, both simple and complex as they are able to increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that stabilizes mood and counteracts the action of melatonin, giving a boost to metabolism.

It is equally important to keep protein intake high because protein contains the amino acids that are needed to increase muscle tone and for the production of anabolic hormones needed to increase metabolism.

Fatty meats, preserved fish, salty cheeses, fried foods, game, alcohol, and sweet drinks should be eliminated or reduced as much as possible because they weigh down the digestive process and reduce metabolism activity.

Finally, you should always first seek a consultation with a dietician or nutritionist before starting diets

Discover our selection of products for slow metabolism:


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