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Resveratrol: properties, side effects and supplements

Signs of aging on the skin? Allergies? Viruses? High cholesterol? Did you know there is a natural substance that is useful for all of these. Today let’s talk about Resveratrol: properties, side effects and supplements

Resveratrol is a non-flavonoid phenol produced by plants. It is found in the skin of red grapes, blueberries, cocoa and peanuts but is also present in red wine in amounts that depend on the preparation and fermentation processes.

 Resveratrol: French Paradox

Resveratrol is also known for the famous “French paradox“.
At the end of the 80’s was conducted a study to verify whether the intake of animal fats increased the occurrence of coronary diseases. At the end of this study it was found that this correlation was true for all sample populations except for the French one. This was a real paradox because the French population was the one with a higher percentage of animal fat intake. Therefore, a more detailed investigation was done and it was found that this result was due to the intake of wine and, by investigating on the substances present in it, it was discovered Resveratrol.

 Resveratrol: A precious ally of health!

Resveratrol is considered a precious ally for health because of its many properties in fact:
   – It is a powerful antioxidant because it is able to counteract free radicals and reduce the damage caused by them.
  – It is an anti-aging, that is, it prevents skin aging because it is able to reduce oxidative stress and the process of photo-aging, but at the same time to increase the production of collagen and act on dermal fibroblasts.
    – It is a natural anti-inflammatory that can regulate the immune response both during an infection and in states of stress.
   – It has antimicrobial activity: in fact it is able to recruit and activate macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes but it is also able to slow down the growth of bacterial and viral cells by acting personally.
   – It is an antitumor, possesses: antiproliferative activity, it is able to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells; proaproptotic activity, it stimulates the programmed death of cancer cells; antiangiogenic blocks the formation of new blood vessels; anti-metastasizing by limiting the formation of metastases; anti-inflammatory, it inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines; chemo-sensitizing, it reduces the resistance of tumor cells to chemotherapies and finally being an antioxidant, it protects DNA from oxidative damage preventing the appearance of tumors.
   – Inhibits platelet aggregation thus reducing the formation of thrombi, stimulates the production of nitric oxide which has vasodilatory properties and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood thus preventing the onset of cardiovascular disease.
  – It helps to fight neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s thanks to the removal of β-amyloid peptide. Moreover it carries out an anti-inflammatory action at neuronal level and stimulates neurogenesis.
  – It has a weak estrogenic activity that is risky for patients with estrogen-sensitive tumors.
  – Other effects of Resveratrol are still in the research phase.

Resveratrol side effects

Resveratrol administered at high dosages and for long periods of time can cause gastric problems such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains and in more serious cases nephrotoxicity.
If you are affected by an estrogen sensitive tumor it is advisable to avoid the intake of Resveratrol because it has estrogenic activity.
Moreover it is necessary to be careful if drugs are taken: anticoagulants because Resveratrol is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation; drugs that are activated following metabolization by cytochrome P450 and CYP3A4A because in the first case Resveratrol interferes with the action of this cytochrome altering its metabolization, in the second case because it inhibits it by increasing the elimination time of drugs metabolized by it. In addition, it stimulates the action of cytochrome CYP1A2 making faster the elimination of drugs metabolized by it, also altering and reducing their effectiveness.

 Resveratrol and covid-19

During this long Sars-Covid19 pandemic, Resveratrol has often been mentioned. In this regard, several in vitro studies have been conducted to verify if Resveratrol could really prevent and counteract the Covid-19 infection.
It was found that Resveratrol really has an activity against Covid-19 virus, in fact it is able to:
    –Reduce cell death caused by the virus
    -Slow down the expression of viral RNA
    -Mitigate the effects of Covid 19 infection when the virus has a low viral load.

 Resveratrol: supplements

If you want to take Resveratrol in the form of a food supplement, the advice of the pharmacist “Natura Prime” can help you:
    – Take RESVERATROLO, our dietary supplement on an empty stomach, and if you take it at another time, remember to avoid concomitant intake with foods rich in fat to ensure maximum bioavailability.
    – Take RESVERATROLO in summer to protect your skin from UV rays and oxidative stress but also as an anti-aging agent. Remember that Resveratrol is also present in cosmetic creams!
    – Take RESVERATROLO to boost your immune system.
    – A dose lower than 25 mg of Resveratrol does not bring benefits to your body, so be careful when you buy supplements!
    – In order to understand the ideal dose to take, we suggest you ask your doctor, who will be able to indicate the specific one for your disease.
If you want to test all the benefits of Resveratrol come and discover our supplements: Body Wellness

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