Blog, Remedies

Prostate diseases: what are they, symptoms and remedies

The prostate is one of the most frequent sources of concern for men especially over the age of 50 years, in particular prostate cancer represents 18.5% of all cancers, while over 6 million men have inflammation or enlargement of the prostate.

It is appropriate to inform ourselves about prostate diseases: what they are, symptoms and remedies.

Prostate: what is it?

The prostate is an exocrine gland located in the pelvis below the bladder and in front of the rectum, surrounding the upper tract of the urethra. It is part of the male genital apparatus and performs several functions:

    1. Produces prostatic fluid : 

  • This joins with the spermatozoa during ejaculation to form sperm, which is then expelled in the act of ejaculation.
  • It helps to maintain a favorable environment for the survival of sperm due to the content of enzymes, fructose, zinc, citric acid, prostaglandins and minerals.
  • Exert a bactericidal action by maintaining an acidic pH.

    2. Regulates urinary flow :

  • The muscle tissue of the prostate acts by strengthening the valve at the beginning of the urethra ie the internal urethral sphincter, in particular if this narrows, ie muscle contraction occurs, the flow of urine stops, while if it is released the flow resumes.

Prostate diseases and symptoms

Because of the functions in which the prostate is involved, the alteration of urination, erection and ejaculation, can be the main symptoms of a disease affecting this gland.

In particular among the diseases that affect the prostate are:

  • Prostatitis
  • Inflamed prostate caused by an acute or chronic infection of bacterial origin often caused by intestinal germs, but it can also be of non-bacterial origin, then favored by stress, excess alcohol, the use of cycles and motorcycles and immune disorders. There is also asymptomatic prostatitis whose causes and why it does not manifest symptoms are still unknown.
  • It is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, loss of secretions, urination disorders, presence of blood in the semen, pain during sexual intercourse, fever and perineal pain.
  •  It is treated with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medications by prescription.
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia/Hypertrophy (BPH)
  • Enlarged prostate occurs with advancing age because of spontaneous proliferation of prostate tissue due to hormonal changes.
  • The increase in the size of the prostate causes the urethra, the channel that carries urine from the bladder to the outside, to become compressed.
  • The symptoms are the alteration of the urination urge, the weakness of the urinary stream, the pain during and after urination and the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  • Following medical examinations, it is the doctor who determines whether the patient needs non-pharmacological, pharmacological or surgical treatment.
  • Prostate Tumor
  • Prostate cancer is a neoplasm, that is an uncontrolled and abnormal proliferation of the cells of the prostate tissue.
  • It can be benign or malignant, the latter can generate metastases by expanding the cancer in other tissues of the body.
  • The causes are not clear, but there are some conditions that can encourage its appearance, such as: smoking, diet rich in animal fats, obesity, frequent inflammation of the prostate.
  • In the initial phase prostate cancer is asymptomatic and only when the tumor mass grows urinary symptoms appear.
  • It is diagnosed by a urological examination that consists of a rectal examination and PSA (benign prostate antigen) test and then, if the doctor deems it appropriate, a prostate biopsy.
  • There are several treatments but it is up to the urologist to indicate the most suitable one for the patient according to the degree and status of the disease.

Prostate diseases: remedies and prevention

Have you also reached the threshold of 50 years and start to worry about the prostate?

You don’t have to because you can do something about it!

The main thing to do is prevention! So periodically do a blood test to evaluate the PSA and perform a urological checkup because even without symptoms there can be an inflammation of the prostate, it is asymptomatic prostatitis or type IV.

Improve your lifestyle by performing regular physical activity and following a healthy and balanced diet plan avoiding the abuse of fatty foods, saturated vegetable oils, spices, alcohol and coffee, preferring instead fruits and vegetables which also help to regulate the bowel.

Do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of water per day and to practice a healthy and regular sexual activity because it helps to avoid the stagnation of seminal fluid in the prostate gland.

In case of prostate enlargement or inflammation it is possible to use food supplements which must contain substances that bring benefits to the prostate such as Serenoa Repens, Pumpkin Seeds, Red Maca and other specific nutrients.


  • Serenoa Repens is a plant used for the treatment of urological disorders thanks to its anti-androgenic and anti-inflammatory properties, moreover just for the activity of inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase is also used in case of androgenic alopecia, then for hair loss.
  • Pumpkin Seeds are used in food and supplements to reduce cholesterol levels in blood because they are rich in betasterols similar to androgens and estrogens, but they are also capable of improving the symptoms of prostate enlargement because they inhibit the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.
  • Maca is a plant and the root is used to stimulate women’s libido, rebalance female hormones but also in case of male infertility. Moreover some studies have shown that the intake of Red Maca is able to reduce the size of the prostate and bring it back to the control value.

 Advice from the “Natura Prime” pharmacist

The pharmacists of “Natura Prime” advise you to:

  • Avoid overdoing foods that are irritating to the prostate such as foods rich in animal fats, spices, alcohol and coffee, but prefer fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to prevent urinary infections.
  • Regulate bowel function by helping with probiotics and organic coconut vinegar.
  • Carry out daily physical activity as it promotes pelvic circulation.
  • Avoid frequent use of cycles and motorcycles.
  • Practice regular sexual activity to avoid the stagnation of secretions in the prostate gland.
  • Do prevention from the age of 50 years by performing once a year the PSA test and urological examination.
  • Take food supplements containing: Serenoa Repens, Red Maca, Pumpkin Seeds.
  • A combined action is preferable, taking one supplement before lunch and one before dinner.
  • When the first symptoms occur, ask for medical advice who will be able to indicate, after performing the specific tests (prostate ultrasound, rectal examination, blood culture, urine culture, sperm culture, PSA test, etc..) the most suitable non-pharmacological, pharmacological or surgical treatment for your case

Contact us for personalized advice or discover our selection of products dedicated to the prostate.