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Probiotics have been defined by the WHO as “live microorganisms” which, when taken at an appropriate dosage, provide health benefits. They normally populate the intestine and are able to benefit the health not only of the intestine but also the urinary tract, oral cavity, skin and hair.

Microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and protozoa) present in the intestine make up the intestinal microbiota which is different in every human being. This diversity is given by the type of birth we are born with, the environment of birth and breast milk. All factors that influence our immune system and select the bacteria that must be part of it.

Probiotics are considered as such only if they resist stomach acidity and bile salts, if they can settle and multiply in the intestine and if they provide health benefits.

Difference between probiotics and lactic ferments

Very often we tend to assimilate these two terms, probiotics and lactic ferments, in fact it is wrong. Let’s see together why!

Probiotics are live microorganisms and remain alive after administration, while lactic acid bacteria after oral administration can not survive the acidity of the stomach. Therefore with lactic ferments we cannot state with certainty the beneficial effects while, as far as probiotics are concerned, since they are deposited in databases, we can know the species, the strain, the efficacy and the safety that WHO imposes.

So it is advisable to differentiate these two terms and buy what we have evidence of effectiveness.

There are several species of probiotics those best known are lactobacilli, bifido-bacteria and Eubacteria but there are multiple species each used for specific effects.

They are present not only in the form of dietary supplements but also in some foods such as: kombucha tea, miso, kefir, tempeh, sauerkraut, some yogurt and fermented dairy products.

How do probiotics work?

Each probiotic can act according to one or more mechanisms of action to benefit human health. The mechanisms are as follows:

  • They prevent pathogens from adhering to the intestinal mucosa.
  • They compete with pathogens for nourishment by preventing them from growing.
  • They produce antimicrobial substances such as lactic acid.
  • They help fortify the intestinal barrier.
  • They promote the production of antibodies.
  • They prevent the transformation of possible carcinogens into such.
  • They synthesize vitamins and long-chain fatty acids.
  • They promote the absorption of minerals.
  • Therefore, the effects they bring to human health are:
  • Increased lactose digestion.
  • Increased resistance to pathogens.
  • Anti-hypertensive effect and reduction of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Modulation and balance of the immune response.
  • Prevention of urogenital infections and hepatic encephalopathy.

When to take probiotics ?

Probiotics have no side effects, except if taken by people with immune deficiencies because they could proliferate excessively and enter the bloodstream causing septicemia.

Precisely because they are safe, they can be taken during seasonal changes or dietary changes, it is recommended to take them after a treatment with antibiotics when the immune system is debilitated but also to balance the intestine in case of constipation or diarrhea. Moreover they are also used to treat cystitis, atopic pathologies, in pneumology, to treat intestinal pathologies such as Crohn’s disease or Helicobacter pylori and in case of hepatic encephalopathy or lactose intolerance.

However, a medical consultation is advisable before using probiotics.

Remedies to benefit from probiotics

  • Take probiotics away from meals.
  • Take probiotics away from the expiration date printed on the packaging.
  • For effective benefits, take probiotics for at least 3-4 weeks.
  • Choose probiotics consisting of multiple bacterial strains, particularly if used to treat or prevent specific issues, choose bacterial strains that have already demonstrated efficacy in that setting.
  • Choose a probiotic with at least 1 billion live cells for at least one of its constituent species.
  • Purchase probiotics in tablet, capsule or liquid form in vials that have an average cost.    
  • You can choose our PROBIOTIC PRIME product that contains Lactobacillus Reuteri and Lactobacillus Ramnosus. The first is able to produce reuterin, an antibiotic substance able to inhibit the growth of gram (+) and gram (-) bacteria in the intestine, while the second is able to produce an anti-stress protein that allows it to resist the acidity of the stomach after oral administration,  moreover it presents a greater adhesion to the intestinal mucosa thanks to the production of proteins similar to pili and finally it has the ability to secrete the protein P40, that is a soluble protein able to reduce the inflammatory state of the epithelial cells improving and fortifying the intestinal barrier. They are used to treat urinary and intestinal infections and to improve the condition of the skin in case of acne associated with BIOTINA.
  • Or PROBIOTIC PRIME PLUS which contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus paracasei. The first one has antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, it is able to strengthen the immune system and to restore the intestinal flora. It is also useful to treat vaginitis and other urinary infections. The second one survives to very different temperature and pH conditions and is able to produce lactic acid thus favoring the propagation of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. It is useful in reducing lactose intolerance and constipation. Finally the third one has been shown to determine a significant reduction in the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines and tissue destruction induced by the external pathogen, this makes it useful to improve allergic rhinitis and strengthen the immune system but it is also useful to fight infections of the respiratory and intestinal tracts.

Come and discover our supplements: Stomach and intestine