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Papaya: properties, side effects and supplements

Signs of aging on the skin? Fatigue? Bone pain? Difficulty with digestion? Heartburn? Do you want to balance your body weight? Did you know there is a natural substance that is useful for all these things. Today let’s talk about Papaya: properties, side effects and supplements.Papaya is an exotic fruit used as fermented papaya, that is, dried and pulverized to form a powder used in this way in many dietary supplements.

Papaya: Properties and Supplements

Fermented papaya is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium, as well as vitamins E,A,C and the B group, which are useful for giving energy and tone to the muscles, a real restorative for the body. The presence of these mineral salts also makes it an ingredient in the supplement DONNA PRIME GOLD because the mineral salts help counter bone fragility and prevent osteoporosis, typical symptoms of pre-menopausal or already menopausal women.

Fermented Papaya is also an important antioxidant that can counteract and reduce the damage induced by oxygen free radicals. It is precisely because of this antioxidant activity that Papaya has anti-aging properties, which makes it useful to take during menopause, when due to the lowering of estrogen there is loss of skin elasticity and hydration.

It is also attributed with anti-cancer properties precisely because of its activity as a powerful antioxidant.

It also contains papain, an enzyme that has important digestive, purifying and immune-stimulating actions for the body.

In particular, its digestive activity similar to that of gastric juices and its anti-inflammatory properties make Fermented Papaya one of the substances in the supplement GASTRO PRIME, designed to counteract gastritis, nervous gastritis, digestive diseases, hyperacidity and bloated belly.

In addition, the proteolytic activity-that is, that of papain to help break down and thus digest protein taken in through food-makes papaya an important fruit to help balance body weight.

And you know at menopause metabolism slows down and you start to put on extra pounds and promote water retention.

Finally, Papaya prevents the development of heart disease and diabetes, in fact despite being a sweet-tasting fruit, it contains little sugar and is recommended to be taken in the diet.

Papaya: Side effects

It is advisable to refrain from consumption of Fermented Papaya in case of certain or presumed hypersensitivity to Papaya and in case of latex allergy because Papaya contains chitinases, substances associated with latex-fruit syndrome.  It is best to avoid taking this substance during pregnancy and lactation. Learn about our supplements containing Fermented Papaya here.


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