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Bloated belly: causes, what to eat and natural remedies

Bloated belly is a disorder that affects about 40% of the population causing them feelings of discomfort, discomfort and pain.
This unpleasant sensation of bloated belly depends on a gaseous accumulation in the digestive tract generating an excessive abdominal tension often accompanied by other symptoms such as meteorism, nausea, abdominal cramps and constipation.

Bloated belly: causes

The sensation of abdominal bloating that occurs after meals is to be differentiated from the persistent one as they are characterized by different resolution time and causes.

In particular, the feeling of a bloated post-meal belly is due to causes such as: aerophagia, that is  the ingestion of large amounts of air caused by fast chewing, chewing gum and smoking; food intolerances to gluten and lactose; alterations in intestinal flora due to infections or antibiotic treatment; poor diet, rich in fried foods, dairy products, spicy foods, carbonated beverages and coffee and conditions of high stress, anxiety and depression.

The second one instead, has as its origin some functional disorders and has a longer resolution in fact, it can occur as a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases such as: gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis, Helicobacter Pylori infection, lazy bowel, but also colon cancer, so if this sensation persists, it is appropriate to seek medical advice from a specialist in gastroenterology to understand its nature.
It is also frequently observed in many women abdominal bloating during pregnancy or premenstrual period because the intestine is sensitive to female sex hormones.

Bloated belly: what to eat

When you suffer from a swollen belly, it is advisable to follow a correct diet in order to minimize the production of intestinal gas.
The pharmacists of Natura Prime advise to:

  • Avoid eating complex carbohydrates, but prefer whole grain flours.
  • Avoid foods that contain air such as puff pastry, whipped cream, smoothies.
  • Avoid fermented foods such as pizza, bread, as well as artificial sweets.
  • Limit consumption of legumes, dairy products and avoid the combination of legumes-meat and milk-eggs.
  • Eat fruit away from meals.
  • Do not drink carbonated beverages, coffee and fermented beverages such as beer.
  • avoid fried and very spicy foods
  • Do not drink during meals

Bloated belly: natural remedies

To counteract the bloated belly you can adopt natural remedies:

  • Drink herbal teas or decoctions based on fennel that is able to inhibit bacterial fermentation responsible for the accumulation of gas, or mint, chamomile and lemon balm that have antispasmodic properties, calming and are able to promote the elimination of intestinal gas caused by stress.
  • You can take charcoal which is an excellent phytotherapy able to adsorb gas.
  • Dilute two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water and drink it every morning, or use apple cider vinegar as it is to season your dishes because it helps to combat abdominal bloating thanks to the probiotics and pectin that favor the restoration of intestinal flora.
  • You can try the food supplement NO GAS PRIME which contains Caraway, Artichoke, Star Anise and Mint Essential Oil.
  • The Caraway has stomachic properties, that is it stimulates the appetite and promotes gastric secretion, carminative properties thanks to which it reduces the formation and stimulates the expulsion of intestinal gas and spasmolytic properties that make it able to calm colic and intestinal cramps.
  • The Artichoke which is able to reduce symptoms related to poor digestion but also to relieve abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence and symptoms related to irritable bowel.
  • Star Anise has carminative, stomachic, stimulant, sedative and diuretic properties.
  • Mint Essential Oil which has a stomachic, carminative and antispasmodic action.
  • Take probiotics that regularize the intestinal flora as PROBIOTIC PRIME and PROBIOTIC PRIME PLUS.

Discover our selection of supplements: Stomach and intestine

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