Blog, Remedies


Nervous gastritis is a condition that falls under psychosomatic diseases that while not serious can deeply affect the patient’s quality of life.
Below we will see what symptoms it manifests with, treatment and natural remedies.

Nervous gastritis: symptoms

Specifically, Gastritis nervosa is an inflammation of the inner part of the stomach caused by the increased production of gastric acid in turn stimulated by the excessive production of cortisol and adrenaline.
Two hormones that are produced more during periods of intense stress, in fact single stressful events do not have a significant impact on health, but cumulatively they can also cause chronic discomfort.
But how does it manifest itself? Here are the most common symptoms of this condition:  

  • heartburn;
  • poor digestion;
  • decreased appetite;
  • general malaise.

Nervous gastritis: treatment

The preventive approach, to be able to manage and treat Gastritis Nervosa, is based on stress management and improved nutrition.
Here are some tips that we pharmacists at Natura Prime have come up with for all those suffering from Gastritis Nervosa as a first treatment approach:

  • it is essential to follow a healthy and balanced diet by limiting to a minimum the consumption of coffee, carbonated beverages, alcoholic drinks, chocolate, fried food, red meat, dishes rich in condiments but, favor a diet rich in fiber, vegetables and foods containing probiotics;
  • it is important to do regular physical activity because it helps both relieve stress and improve gastric function;
  • engage in relaxing activities such as taking a Pilates or yoga class;
  • help yourself with breathing techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing;
  • devote time to relaxing body care such as a massage, a spa, a hot bath with lavender or lemon balm essential oils;
  • unplugging for a weekend getaway;
  • having a trusted person to deal with and not taking pride in doing everything yourself, but collaborating with others so as to ease the strain;
  • feeling comfortable and peaceful with the people around you is a key thing for your peace of mind.

Nervous gastritis: natural remedies

Nervous gastritis can be treated with natural remedies:

  • taking probiotics has been shown to have a positive effect on improving anxiety because they help promote vagus nerve activity through their connection with the gut and digestive functions.
  • Our natural products, PROBIOTIC PRIME and PROBIOTIC PRIME PLUS, designed with a mix of Lactobacillus to ensure greater effectiveness, can help.
  • Another natural remedy is the intake of herbal teas made with ginger, lemon balm, and lavender, which allow the stomach muscles to relax and relieve the symptoms of nervous gastritis.
  • Other natural extracts useful for the stomach are Licorice which contains glycyrrhizin, which is responsible for its anti-inflammatory, protective and healing action on the gastric mucosa useful for fighting heartburn, stomach pain and counteracting esophagitis.
  • Fermented Papaya that facilitates the digestion and absorption process of food.
  • Nutrients contained in our GASTRO PRIME supplement designed to combat discomfort affecting the stomach.

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