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It is estimated that about half of the population over the age of 50 has experienced a problem related to hemorrhoids. In particular, women especially after pregnancy.
Let’s see together what they are, symptoms, causes and remedies.

Hemorrhoids: internal and external

The term hemorrhoids refers to pads of tissue that are physiologically present in the anal canal and normally serve to ensure continence and facilitate dilation of the canal, however, when they become inflamed they can be particularly troublesome.

There are clinically 2 types of hemorrhoids: internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.

  1. Internal hemorrhoids: are located in the anal canal, are pain-inducing and visible. They may come out during defecation but return spontaneously.
  2. External hemorrhoids: develop outside the anal orifice, which is why they are visible. They come out when strained and do not re-enter spontaneously and are the cause of several painful and bothersome symptoms.

Hemorrhoids: the symptoms

When hemorrhoids become inflamed their presence begins to be felt and typical symptoms are:

  • swelling
  • discomfort
  • sense of weight
  • pain
  • burning
  • itching
  • bleeding

Hemorrhoids: the causes

The causes of inflammation of hemorrhoids are:

  • chronic constipation
  • sedentariness
  • excessive exertion
  • pregnancies
  • work activities that involve standing for long periods of time
  • family predisposition

Hemorrhoids: the remedies

What to do to prevent and treat hemorrhoids?
All you need to do to prevent hemorrhoids is to follow a healthy and balanced lifestyle and fight constipation. In particular:

  • Eat fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains.
  • Avoid consuming chocolate, spicy or very spicy foods because they promote inflammation.
  • Drink 2 liters of water and avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  • Do regular physical activity so as to strengthen the abdominal muscles and avoid overexertion when going through a bowel movement. In addition, movement promotes bowel regularity.
  • Make a visit to a medical specialist to understand the status of the hemorrhoidal disease, and then to consider appropriate treatment.
  • The examinations to be performed are rectal exploration, anoscopy, proctoscopy, and where necessary, colonoscopy.
  • Dietary supplements can be taken that go to work on blood circulation, consequently promoting blood circulation in the venous tract subject to hemorrhoids, which will thus tend to deflate. VEN PRIME contains as plant extracts: Centella, Butcher’s Broom, Red Vine, Sweet Clover and Horse Chestnut. Red Vine has astringent, vaso-protective and antispasmodic actions. Horse chestnut has vasoconstrictive and vaso-protective properties.
    Centella which strengthens and elasticizes blood vessel walls by promoting proper blood circulation. Rusco which has vaso-protective and anti-inflammatory properties.
    Also very important is Diosmin, a natural substance that has antiedematous, anti-inflammatory and antivaricose activity.
    In more severe conditions, it will be the specialist who will indicate whether surgery is necessary or local treatment with specific creams combined with a supplement will suffice.

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