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Fall hair loss: how to recognize it, causes and remedies

Each person on average loses up to 100 hairs in a day, but during the autumn period they come to lose up to 30% more than normal hair loss.
Let’s find out together how to recognize autumn hair loss, causes and remedies.

How to recognize autumn hair loss?

Hair loss is a physiological phenomenon but, in the autumn period there is an increase in hair loss.
It is very important to be able to distinguish autumn hair loss from hair loss due to other problems in order to be able to act on the problem in time.
In particular, fall fall does not cause localized hair loss in a specific area going to create real gaps, and it does not create pain or itching of the scalp.

What are the causes of autumnal hair loss?

The causes of autumnal hair loss are several; first of all, one arrives in October after having spent a lot of time exposed to the sun, and the light has negatively affected the hair, in particular the UV rays have weakened the hair bulbs and reduced their diameter leading not only to hair loss, but also to the reduction of their thickness making the hair become thinner. Adding to this phenomenon, known as photo-aging, is the effect of salt spray and wind, which have made hair brittle, dull and more prone to breakage.

In addition, with the end of summer begin the phenomenon of the shortening of the days, and it is precisely the different ratio between hours of light and hours of darkness that goes to affect the stability of the hair determining its fall. This is because the change generates in us an alteration of the sleep-wake rhythm resulting in a reduction in the production of melatonin an important hormone employed de life cycle of hair as it regulates apoptosis and the expression of estrogen receptors, so its absence causes hair loss.
Adding to the causes of autumn hair loss is the resumption of the daily routine that is often a source of high stress, but we know that stress is the enemy of hair. In fact, stress has a negative effect on hormones, leading to an imbalance of growing follicles and a lack of regular activity.
Again, with the return to city life, we move from places where nature has been predominant to streets full of air pollution, and it is precisely substances such as smog, smoke and fine dust that are deposited on the hair and cause not only loss but also change its luster making it dull, dull and frizzy. Obviously, if it looks frizzy, it will also be difficult to comb it, and when you go to do so, even more will fall out because it will break.

Autumn hair loss: remedies

Is autumn just around the corner? Don’t fear hair loss because you can do something about it!

We at Nature Prime have come up with remedies for you:

  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet, rich in foods that contain vitamins, minerals and protein.
  • Wash your hair 1 time a week to avoid stressing it and use nonaggressive products, preferably natural ones. Gently massage the scalp, rinse the applied products thoroughly and towel-dry the hair with a microfiber cloth.
  • Do a moisturizing and restructuring mask at least once a week.
  • Apply a heat protectant before using hair dryers and straighteners.
  • For styling, it is best to use brushes that do not electrify the hair.
  • Reduce the use of hair fixatives and creases that tend to pull the hair too much by being careful about using clips and elastics.
  • Take dietary supplements made with natural ingredients such as our HAIR PRIME and HAIR PRIME PLUS products that contain hair-specific vitamins and minerals, associating with Millet and Blue Apple.
  • Millet, due to its high content of B vitamins, has a strengthening and regenerating effect on hair, making it able to prevent and treat hair loss.
  • Pomegranate contains Procyanidine B2 which is able to increase hair growth and density and the amount of keratin.

You can also use an SHAMPOO ANTICADUTA and LOZIONE ANTICADUTA, we recommend our products that contain natural extracts such as Serenoa Repens which is able to block the enzyme responsible for hair loss, thus stopping hair loss.

Follow us for more tips to fight hair loss, promote hair regrowth and improve hair quality.

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