Advices, Blog

Face mask: what it is, when to make it and how to apply it

Today we hear a lot about the importance of face masks, but do we really know why they should be done? We at Natura Prime today delve into the topic of face mask, what it is, when to make it and how to apply it.

What is a Face Mask?

A face mask is a cosmetic product designed to combat blemishes and imperfections of the facial skin due to the content of active ingredients in the formulation.

Depending on the choice of active ingredients used, masks with a different functionality can be obtained, in fact, face masks can have an action:

  • moisturizing
  • toning
  • purifying
  • brightening
  • nourishing
  • revitalizing
  • softening
  • brightening
  • exfoliating

Thanks to these properties, face masks improve the appearance of facial skin from as early as after the first application.

There are different types of masks, namely:

  • cream masks: creamy in appearance, but may also contain microgranules to provide an exfoliating effect.
  • fabric masks: in which the active ingredients are deposited on a cotton or cellulose backing cut out like a face, with holes at the eyes, mouth and nose.
  • peel-off masks: which look creamy but dry out after application, forming a thin film that is then removed by lifting it off.
  • magnetic masks: they contain iron particles thanks to which, after application and setting time, with the help of a magnet, they are removed by electromagnetic attraction taking impurities with them.
  • bubble masks: they come either in cream or fabric format, but a few minutes after application, the formation of a soft foam is observed.

When to make the Face Mask?

The face mask can be applied using a brush or simply with the hands.

A broad-bristled, synthetic fiber brush should be used if masks with a more liquid consistency are to be applied, while silicone brushes should be preferred if denser, pastier masks are to be applied.

Using your hands, on the other hand, is definitely faster and more convenient but is complicated to use for thick-textured masks, for which you need more time and to pay attention to the amounts you apply.

In any case, it is important to follow certain steps to ensure the effectiveness of the masks. Such as:

  1. Wash the face with a cleanser specific to your skin type so as to remove all traces of impurities and prepare the facial skin to absorb the nutrients.
  2. Apply the mask evenly all over the face paying attention to the eye area because not all textures and active ingredients are suitable for that area.
  3. Leave on for 5 to 15 minutes. Do not exceed the recommended application time because irritation may occur.
  4. Remove the mask according to the type chosen: if you have applied a cream one remove it with a microfiber cloth moistened with warm water or with a sponge; if you have used a fabric mask just remove the cotton or cellulose backing and let the nutrients absorb; if you have used a peel-off mask after it has dried out lift it up at the sides and remove it, afterwards proceed with washing the face with warm water and dry it by dabbing it with a towel; if it is a magnetic mask remove it with the magnet and then wash the face; finally if it is a bubble mask remove it with a microfiber cloth or a sponge moistened with warm water and then precede washing the face again with warm water and blot dry.
  5. Apply a moisturizer, this is an essential step especially after using purifying masks because the moisturizer goes to restore the balance of the skin microbiota. You can avoid this step only if you have used a moisturizing or nourishing mask.

Remember that making a mask should not only be a skin-care practice, a beauty routine, but should be an opportunity to take your space and time, a moment to feel pampered, beautiful and light.

So what are you waiting for?

There are several different do-it-yourself face masks with natural ingredients such as honey and olive oil; or avocado and olive oil; or even coconut oil and turmeric; egg white and lemon juice; honey and cinnamon; yogurt, banana, honey and olive oil; and many more, each specific to your needs and skin type.

But if you want to buy one, we at Natura Prime have come up with a mask made with 98.45 percent naturally sourced ingredients, including Bifidus from biofermentation.

It is designed for young and mature skin, but especially for acne-prone skin, in fact, this mask, thanks to the peptide content exerts an anti-aging and purifying effect useful for balancing the skin microbiota.

It is also perfect for the eye and lip contour for its anti-edematous action.

What are you waiting for? Discover our mask here.

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