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Enlarged prostate: Causes, symptoms and remedies

prostata ingrossata

The enlarged prostate, known clinically as “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia/Hypertrophy (BPH)“, affects 6 million Italian men, in particular 90% of men aged 80 years or older, but also affects other age groups with lower percentages such as: 50% of those between 50 and 60 years and 70% of those between 61 and 70 years. Let’s see together the causes, symptoms and remedies.

Enlarged prostate: causes and symptoms

The term enlarged prostate refers to an increase in the size of the prostate that occurs with advancing age due to the benign and spontaneous proliferation of prostate tissue due to hormonal changes.
The increase in prostate size causes the urethra to be compressed, obstructing the channel that carries urine from the bladder to the outside.
It manifests itself with the following symptoms:
    – Alteration of the urge to urinate.
    – Weakness of the urinary stream.
    – Pain and burning during urination.
    – Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
    – Possible presence of blood in the urine.
This pathology does not always manifest itself with all the symptoms reported previously, sometimes it is asymptomatic, so it is very important to make periodically after the age of 50 years a urological examination with rectal examination, blood tests for the dosage of PSA and urine analysis, it is then the specialist to establish a non-drug treatment, pharmacological or surgical according to the state of the disease.

Prostate: remedies 

    – Avoid overdoing foods that irritate the prostate such as foods rich in animal fats, spices, alcohol and coffee, but prefer fruits and vegetables.
    – Drink at least 2 liters of water per day to prevent urinary infections.
    – Regulate bowel function.
    – Carry out daily physical activity as it promotes pelvic circulation.
    – Avoid frequent use of cycles and motorcycles.
    – Practice regular sexual activity to avoid the stagnation of secretions in the prostate gland.
    – Prevention from the age of 50 onwards by performing a PSA test and urological examination once a year.
    – In case of prostate enlargement or inflammation it is possible to use dietary supplements that must contain substances that bring benefits to the prostate, such as URO PRIME that contains Serenoa Repens, pumpkin seeds and other specific nutrients and MACA ROSSA.
    – The Serenoa Repens is a plant used for the treatment of urological disorders due to its anti-androgenic and anti-inflammatory properties, also for the activity of inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase is also used in case of androgenic alopecia, then for hair loss.
    – Pumpkin Seeds are used in food and supplements to reduce cholesterol levels in blood because they are rich in betasterols similar to androgens and estrogens, but they are also capable of improving the symptoms of prostate enlargement because they inhibit the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.
    – Maca is a plant and the root is used to stimulate women’s libido, rebalance female hormones but also in case of male infertility. Moreover some studies have shown that the intake of Red Maca can reduce the size of the prostate and bring it back to the control value.
    – When the first symptoms occur it is advisable to seek medical advice which will indicate, after performing specific analysis, the most appropriate treatment.

Discover our selection of supplements: URO PRIME, RED MACA

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