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Joint Pain: causes and natural remedies

Dolore Articolare: cause e rimedi naturali

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic that has forced us to quarantine at home, there has been a 73% increase in the percentage of Italians who have begun to manifest back pain and joint pain. The prolonged stay at home associated with the lack of physical activity, has led many Italians, of all age groups, to acquire incorrect posture inducing bone problems, but this is not the only cause of joint pain so let’s see together the other causes and natural remedies to be taken to counteract the pain.

Joint Pain: causes

The term Joint Pain indicates a painful sensation localized within one or more joints of the body that can originate from the joint itself or from tendons and ligaments and can also manifest itself with swelling, redness, stiffness, tingling, heat, loss of function and joint effusion.
The causes of this disorder can be of different origins:

  • Traumatic origin: when it occurs following a traumatic event such as a fracture, dislocation, sprain or muscle tear.
  • Inflammatory origin: when it results from an inflammatory disease such as arthritis and tendonitis.
  • Mechanical origin: when it depends on wear and tear caused by aging, such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
  • Infectious origin: when it is related to viral infections such as influenza.
  • Particular physiological conditions: as a symptom of more complex pathologies such as lupus, gout, fibromyalgia, bone cancer etc.
  • Other origins: during menopause, pregnancy, in situations of high stress, sedentariness and poor posture.

Joint pain: natural remedies

When joint pain does not go away, you can adopt natural remedies:

  • Apply cold compresses if the cause of pain is inflammatory, if it is not hot ones.
  • Carry out regular physical activity, postural and pilates classes can help you, which help both to strengthen the muscles and to correct any postural errors.
  • session of physiotherapy can help you.
  • Expose yourself to the sun, even for short periods, in order to stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D useful for bone health.
  • Follow a regular diet, avoiding excessive salt, whole foods, rich in fiber and protein because they alter calcium levels.
  • Avoid combining calcium-rich foods with foods rich in oxalates such as spinach, tomatoes and eggs.
  • Eat fish at least 3 times a week and cheese at least 1 time a week.
  • Maintain a healthy weight and avoid being overweight to avoid overloading your joints.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, preferably rich in calcium.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol because it alters calcium absorption.
  • Do not overload your body and rest when you feel the need.
  • Herbal plant extracts used in the form of supplements or creams such as Devil’s Claw, Turmeric, Broswellia, Arnica, Ginger can help you.
  • You can also try our dietary supplements VIT D PRIME and ARTO PRIME which contains Counteritin sulfate, Turmeric, Collagen and Glucosamine.
  • Vitamin D is able to promote intestinal and renal absorption of calcium and phosphorus and the deposition of calcium in the bones, to improve muscle tone by preserving lean mass thus improving physical strength and to treat and cure rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
  • Counteritin sulfate promotes the elasticity of cartilage, prevents its degradation and alleviates inflammation.
  • Curcuma is a plant that can promote joint flexibility and the well-being of joints and bones.
  • Collagen accumulates in the cartilage and stimulates the tissues to produce new ones.
  • Glucosamine is an essential sugar for the synthesis of cartilage, in fact it contributes to keep the cartilage intact thus protecting the joint ends of the bones from the friction caused by movement.
  • If the pain persists it is appropriate to seek medical advice from a specialist who will ask, where appropriate, more specific tests such as x-rays and Tac.

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