Blog, Remedies

Dark skin spots: what they are, causes and natural remedies

The appearance of skin blemishes is often a real discomfort because they cause attention to be drawn to them and highlight uneven skin tone. Therefore, let’s try to understand what they are, the causes of their appearance and natural remedies to prevent and treat them.

Dark skin spots: what they are

Dark skin spots are areas of the skin that have different pigmentation and appear most on the face and back of the hands, but they can also appear on the shoulders, decollete and back.

It is possible to distinguish dark skin spots into 6 categories:

  1. Sun spots: occur as discolorations of the epidermis due to excessive melatonin production caused by poor sun exposure.
  2. Age spots: similar to the former, they also appear due to excessive melatonin production but in this case the cause is due to advancing age and appear mostly on the face and back of the hands.
  3. Ephelides: these are dark spots with indefinite edges that occur on the parts most exposed to sunlight and are able to intensify their color in summer and lighten it in winter. They are already present from birth due to excessive melanocyte activity, but with sun exposure they become more prominent.
  4. Chloasma: is gray-brown in color and usually appears on the cheekbones, forehead or upper lip due to a hormonal imbalance such as pregnancy and menopause can be, but also due to photosensitizing medications, creams and perfumes.
  5. Keratosis: these are dark spots that are rough and raised, appear on the scalp and source, and the causes can be different. It is important to keep them under control because they can develop into malignant tumors.
  6. Post-inflammatory spots: these are red or brown spots that remain after healing from acne due to pigmentation.

Dark spots on the skin: the causes

The causes that lead to the appearance of skin spots are:

  • Excessive sun exposure without adequate protection.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Therapies with certain medications
  • Creams or perfumes that contain photo-sensitizing substances.
  • Cigarette smoking.
  • Exposure to pollutants.
  • Skin aging.
  • Genetic predisposition

Dark spots on the skin: natural remedies.

A number of natural remedies can be implemented to prevent and treat the appearance of dark spots on the skin:

  • Apply 50+ sunscreen before exposing yourself to the sun and avoid the hours when the rays are strongest.
  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet by favoring foods rich in beta-carotene and lycopene, especially yellow, orange and red foods.
  • Also eat foods rich in vitamin E and C.
  • Use nonaggressive cosmetic products and cleansers for the face.
  • Avoid sun exposure if you are on hormone therapy or using photo-sensitizing creams to treat acne or other conditions.
  • After an exfoliating treatment, such as peeling avoid sun exposure.
  • Use makeup, such as foundation or concealer to cover dark spots if they are a source of discomfort.
  • Try to avoid places that are too crowded and polluted.
  • Avoid smoking cigarettes.
  • To treat them you can help yourself with natural cosmetics that contain Vitamin E and C with antioxidant power that can fight free radicals, or even Licorice with depigmenting properties that can control melanin synthesis and have a lightening action on dark spots.
  • You can try our combination FACE LIGHTENING SERUM and FACE LIGHTENING CREAM that contain ingredients of natural origin that can help lighten skin spots and not only because they also provide hydration, evenness and radiance to the skin, as well as an anti-aging effect.

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